10 tips ☘ for effective pond cleaning

The algae-free pond mud vacuum cleaner with many accessories, such as an extra long telescopic rod, is a valuable helper for professional pond cleaning

When is pond cleaning useful?

Basically, a pond cleaning is always useful when the balance of the pond is disturbed. More specifically, this means that the water quality decreases - for example due to too much sludge, leaves, fish stocking or other things that cloud the water. Furthermore, oxygen deficiency can occur due to too many algae and lack of planting. It is therefore advisable to regularly check the quality of the water and to carry out pond cleaning when it seems necessary.

When is the right time for pond maintenance?

As a rule, it is the case that during the winter months increased amounts of dirt or mud accumulate in the garden pond. This is caused by fallen leaves or dead plant parts, for example. The water or the water quality is negatively influenced by this. The contamination can actually be recognised by a brown layer of mud on the bottom of the pond. The dangerous thing is that with rising temperatures this layer of sludge starts to rot and emits toxins. The result is turbid water and a sometimes musty smell.
Sunlight is a major factor in promoting algae growth. Due to the rising temperatures and the increase in sunshine hours per month, it is advisable to clean the pond in spring. It is not absolutely necessary to clean the pond from scratch every year, i.e. to empty it completely. This should be decided individually according to the quality of the water.

How should a pond cleaning be done?

It is particularly recommended to clean the pond with a so-called pond mud vacuum cleaner. Ideally, the pond sludge suction cleaner should have a water recirculation system, water recirculation system, otherwise there is a risk that too much nutrient-containing water will be added during refilling. Because the fact is that in addition to the many nutrients, algae growth is also significantly promoted if more than 5% of the pond volume is fed in fresh. And this must be avoided.

By the way, this is also the reason why algae growth increases rapidly during the summer months: Due to the increased nutrient load in the pond, the algae can spread very well. This can be remedied by a professional algae removal device, that kills the algae. The disadvantage, however, is that nutrients are released by the decomposing algae residues, which in turn promote the growth of new algae. A vicious circle.

What to do when cleaning a pond with a lot of sludge?

To remove the sludge from the pond, a powerful,professional sludge vacuum cleaner is needed to remove the natural deposits of leaves and algae. The sludge can be easily removed with a floor cleaner. If there is a lot of sludge, you may need to use a suction bell.

How important is the removal of algae during pond cleaning?

Algae are an inconvenient component of every garden pond. Did you know? An algae cell can be compared to a raw egg, because all the nutrients from the water are stored inside the algae cell. The inside of the algae thus serves the algae as a kind of food supply. The more nutrients are available, the faster the cell division is advanced. Depending on the type of algae, this cell division (which can be equated with an increase) of the algae takes place several times a day. The cell wall of the algae is "torn" by the high-precision clicks of the algae remover – nutrients escape from the vacuole or vesicle and get back into the water. In this way, the cycle cannot close and the algae cannot reproduce further. However, it is particularly important to remove the algae manually on an ongoing basis to prevent the quality of the water from deteriorating.

Algae reduce the water quality immensely and should be removed regularly to remove the nutrients from the water.

What is the ideal method of water replenishment?

Basically, the rainwater is very low in nutrients. It is therefore less problematic than ground or well water. But be careful with the rainwater: the rainwater of the first 10 minutes (also called "first-flush") should not be collected because the dust concentration is relatively high. This includes pollen, pollen or airborne pollutant particles. Tap water is usually also low in nutrients, but depending on the region and type of water supply, there can be considerable differences in some cases. If you want to be sure, you should carry out a water test to determine the corresponding water values or ask your local water supplier.

It is important to prevent the excess of nutrients during pond cleaning

The refill water from the ground water and well water is usually enriched with many nutrients and thus already loaded for the pond. Water circulation during cleaning is therefore all the more important to maintain stability in the pond.

Due to the filtered water recirculation, nutrient-rich particles are retained and thus the nutrient surplus vicious circle in the pond and the formation of algae is curbed.

How can too frequent pond cleaning be prevented?

Cleaning the pond is of course always associated with a certain amount of effort and many pond owners are certainly justified in wondering whether cleaning the pond too often makes sense at all and how this can be prevented. A good tip are water plants of any kind. A sufficient planting of the pond ensures that nutrients are bound. This massively limits the livelihood of the algae. For example, the flower bine is a very popular pond plant. Smaller deposits and sludge, on the other hand, can be removed with a pond sludge vacuum cleaner in between. This keeps the effort within a limit and the large pond cleaning is not necessary too often.

What can be done to keep the water clear?

In order to prevent the water from becoming cloudy and starting to stink, it is advisable to become proactive and take countermeasures in good time. It is therefore advisable to regularly fish algae and dirt out of the pond with the landing net. By using pond plants, nutrients in the water are bound and algae growth is restricted. It is also absolutely recommended to check the water quality regularly with water tests Phosphate and other nutrients can be bound by appropriate water additives. In autumn it is useful to stretch a net over the garden pond to keep leaves and other things out of the water.

Clear water is an indication of good water quality and balance in the pond.

Warum ist die Kontrolle der Wasserqualität wichtig?

Damit das Wasser des Teiches von guter Qualität ist, ist es wichtig, dass sich Wachstums- und Abbauvorgänge die Waage halten. Eine gute Wasserqualität kann daran erkannt werden, dass das Wasser sehr klar ist. Wird das Wasser trüb, so ist spätestens eine Kontrolle der Wasserqualität angeraten. Dann ist es wichtig, den Gehalt an Hauptnährstoffen zu prüfen und die Wasserhärte sowie den Schadstoffgehalt festzustellen. Um diese Prüfungen durchzuführen, gibt es Wassertests (Stäbchen oder Tröpfchen) zu kaufen.

Was für Geräte werden für eine Teichreinigung benötigt?

Je nach Teichgrösse und durchzuführenden Arbeiten benötigt man unterschiedliche Teichreinigungsgeräte, Zubehör für die Teichreinigung: Einen Schlammsauger oder eine Teichpumpe um die Algen und Sedimente aus dem abzusaugen. Teichschlammsauger Zubehör: Bürsten, Mulm-, Absaug-Glocken, Bodenreiniger, Kescher, Vorabscheider, Motorschrubber, etc. werden u.a. benötigt für effizientes Arbeiten.


Zusammenfassend ist eine Teichreinigung immer dann sinnvoll, wenn das Wasser verunreinigt ist und/oder die Wasserqualität abgenommen hat. Indizien dafür sind Schlammbildung oder trübes Wasser. Vor allem nach den Wintermonaten ist es wichtig, den Teich auf Vordermann zu bringen.
Bei der Teichreinigung ist darauf zu achten, dass das abgesaugte Wasser wieder zurückgeführt wird, nachdem es gefiltert wurde. Nährstoffhaltiges Wasser sollte hingegen möglichst nicht zugeführt werden, damit unnötiges Algenwachstum verhindert wird.

clicksonic-g-sonic.jpg Den Aufwand kann man erheblich reduzieren mit einem G-Sonic Algenvernichter. Das Algenfreigerät hält die Algen in Schach und so bleibt mehr freie Zeit für das Badevergnügen im Schwimmteich oder das verweilen am Gartenteich.

Pond cleaning products

Impeller & Turbinen Schlammsauger    -    Naturpool Poolroboter-Reiniger    -    Motor- Schrubber & Teichbürsten Akku / Netzteil    -    Trommel-, Bogensieb-, Fein-Filter